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The Endless Web Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality

Author: R. Louis/ Feitis Schultz


The result of more than two decades of research and practice, "The Endless Web" presents in clear, readable language a comprehensive guide to understanding and working effectively with the myofascial system, the ''packing material'' of the body. Myofascia is a flexible network of tissue that surrounds, cushions, and supports muscles, bones, and organs. It also acts as a riverbed containing the flow of interstitial fluid, and is a critical influence on the immune and hormonal systems. In daily life, this connective tissue is an underlying determinant of movement quality, modd, alertness, and general well-being. "The Endless Web" is a fully illustrated guide to understanding how myofascia works, it supportive role within the body''s anatomy, and how gentle manipulation of the myofascial tissue is central to lasting therapeutic intervention and how it can be integrated into any bodywork practice.



What's In Your Web? Stories of Fascial Freedom 

(Author) MSPT Phil Tavolacci


PAIN? POOR POSTURE? ANXIETY? CHRONIC EXHAUSTION? The issue may be your tissue! Your connective tissue, also known as fascia, may be the primary source of your problems. Since fascial restrictions don't show up on medical scans (X-rays, MRIs, etc) they are commonly overlooked as potential causes for pain and dysfunction but they wreak havoc on the body. This book will teach you the basics of fascia and share many examples of how Myofascial Release (MFR) as taught by John F. Barnes, PT can restore the fascial system to optimal health and function.





Craniosacral Therapy

Author: John E./ Vredevoogd Upledger

Jon D. Vredevoogd


Craniosacral Therapy was developed by osteopathic physician John Upledger out of cranial osteopathy of William G. Sutherland. The concept of the craniosacral system, its pathological significance and healing capabilities, was first recognized over 50 years ago. But, for nearly half a century, the craniosacral concept has been surrounded by an aura of mystery and has not been fully understood by the orthodox medical community. In laymen's terms and with fascinating client stories, Dr. Upledger describes the tremendously successful results this method has had in the treatment of autism, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and many injuries and traumas of the head, limbs, and spinal chord. It also gives easy-to-follow, do-it-yourself instructions for several basic craniosacral techniques.



Craniosacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura (Author) John E. Upledger


Craniosacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura marks yet another step in understanding the craniosacral system and its significance in the clinic. Building on concepts set forth in his pioneering work Cranioscacral Therapy, Dr. Upledger further explores the anatomical and physiological bases and clinical implications of several important aspects of the craniosacral system.The first chapter looks at the cranial nerves and how they can be effectively influenced by craniosacral therapy. In the second chapter, the author, through words and pictures, dissects the fascial anatomy of the neck from the perspective of the craniosacral system. Chapter 3 scrutinizes the temporomandibular joint and TMJ syndrome. The final chapter focuses on those concepts and discoveries which have unfolded in Dr. Upledger's clinical practice since the publication of his first book.Rounding out this volume is an extensive glossary of technical terms and concepts related to the theory and practice of craniosacral therapy.



Somato Emotional Release and Beyond (Author) John E. Upledger


Developed by the author, SomatoEmotional Release is a technique for bringing psychotherapeutic elements into CranioSacral therapy. It helps rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma by anatomically freeing the central channel of the body. John E. Upledger presents the history, theory, and practice of this subtle form of healing. A result of meaningful, intentioned touch, SomatoEmotional Release allows for identification and removal of energy cysts along with their associated emotions.








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